The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94392 Message #1826296
Posted By: Leadfingers
03-Sep-06 - 10:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Non- Music section.
Subject: RE: BS: Non- Music section.
As 'The Cat' is set up as a Folk and Blues site , it is perfectly reasonable that Non Music should be seperate from the main info on the site! Those of us who are NOT of a strong political bent then have the option to look below the line or not . In my own case , this often means posting a comment simply so that I can chuck in a Bond Post ( Double 0 Suffix) so I have no problem ! Divis - I feel my personal political persuasion does vary somewhat from yours , but I have read your posts with interest ! This is a fairly rare BS Serious post from me By The Way .