The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94410 Message #1826733
Posted By: The Shambles
04-Sep-06 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: A return to only one section?
Subject: A return to only one section?
When more changes are implemented on Mudcat, please, please consider a return to having only one section? That way maybe our forum can return to some semblance of creativity.
It is clear that many contributors to the music section do not now venture into the BS section and also clear that many contributors to the BS section do not now venture into the music section.
I feel strongly that this has had the effect of weakening both sections and our forum in general.
As we now have the various prefixes for thread titles - there is really no reason for separate sections. This presents little advantage and if the object was to prevent posters from complaining about what other posters choose to post - it has clearly not worked.
I suggest that nothing will achieve this - so the attempt can be safely given-up as futile. Especially when the example currently presented, encourages posts containing only complaints about what others post and personal judgements to be made about the worth of other posters.
I have noticed that when the odd BS thread has had some form of life on the music section - before it is whisked away to the BS section by persons unknown - it is noticable that there are quite a few welcome and constructive post from posters whose names you would not tend to see on threads in the current BS section.
I would have thought that encouraging this can only be a good thing?