The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94392   Message #1827163
Posted By: Joe Offer
05-Sep-06 - 01:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Non- Music section.
Subject: RE: BS: Non- Music section.
The non-music threads have the most traffic, but they are dominated by a relatively small number of regular posters, both members and non-members. Before we split music and non-music threads, the non-music threads were continually at the top of the Forum Menu. Visitors who came looking for music, had to look a bit to find it.

We figured our "regulars" would have an easy time finding their BS threads, so we put them at the bottom of the menu and kept the music stuff up top so we'd have more of an appearance of being a music forum.

So, the primary reason for the split was to give newcomers an impression that this is a music forum, not one dominated by insider chit-chat - and yet we allow the chit-chat to flourish in its own section without creating a separate forum for it.

And Liz, God forbid that we should remove humor from the music section. That wasn't the intent.

The argument about music vs. non-music went on for years. It was Jeff who came up with the idea of splitting the Forum Menu, and I think it has been a perfect solution - made even better by providing for a mixed menu for those who prefer that. I think there's also a mixed menu available for those who don't have cookies - but I forget the URL of that mixed menu.

-Joe Offer-

Shambles, if you wish to allege that some of your messages have been deleted simply because somebody didn't like what you said, please do us the favor of providing evidence.