The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94392   Message #1827246
Posted By: The Shambles
05-Sep-06 - 05:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Non- Music section.
Subject: RE: BS: Non- Music section.
Shambles, if you wish to allege that some of your messages have been deleted simply because somebody didn't like what you said, please do us the favor of providing evidence.

As you well know - I do this - but you keep 'silently deleting' the mesaages and closing the threads for increasingly weaker and weaker sounding excuses. All of which serves only to prove my point that you are simply abusing your position to try and prevent views being posted and discussions undertaken - that you would rather were not. for example........

And this thread is closed, too. We allow only one Shambles-Dominated thread at a time. If we don't control him, Shambles tends to post the same thing in five threads, all at the same time.
-Joe Offer-

If this is not the case - you could demonstrate this to our forum by re-opening   Closed threads and deleted posts