The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94392   Message #1827293
Posted By: JennyO
05-Sep-06 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Non- Music section.
Subject: RE: BS: Non- Music section.
Joe, there was an alternate URL for the mixed view and I had it bookmarked. It used to work, but when I tried it just now, it didn't work. Music and BS were still separated.

I haven't used it for a long time, because I prefer the division, but it appears the URL has changed - dunno when. If someone who knows what it is now could post it here it would be good, so that any GUESTS who prefer the mix can choose it - and it would simplify things for members who like to alternate so they don't have to change their choices on the membership page every time.

I'm very much in favour of the division remaining the default, for the reasons that Joe said, but also because I think it makes it easier to locate threads people are looking for.