The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1827345
Posted By: Bobert
05-Sep-06 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
You haven't answered why Bush won't come clean uin relweasing his documents and notes, Old Guy...

And fir the record since when is "We need everything you've got" not part of her portfolio of documents... The Wsahington Post disagrees with you in it's article of December 4th, 2005 "Blanco Releases Katrina Records" by Joby Warrick, Spencer S. Hsu and Anne Hull... Tea, these professional journalist reviewed the released doecuments and according to them the sentence that you *claim* was not opart of the portfolio that included that request is in a memo to George Bush from Governor Blanco dated, August 29th...

BTW, also in those documents is a complaint by Blanco on Sept. 2nd to the White House complaining that FEMA had not delivered on a promise to have buses to help with evacuation... Now why would Blanco have made a written complaint if FEMA had never made the promise??? Hmmmmmm??? That would have left the Bush apologists a major weakness in Blanco to attack... But they haven't attacked that specific so I can only assume that somewhere there is evidence that FEMA had made the promise...

So, Old Guy, eiother you haven't taken time to review all the diocuments or the Bush apologist blog that you have read habve conviently left out some of the more damaging ones... Not too sure which one but I'd guess the later... Yeah, one thing that Bush apologists have become very adept at is leaving out parts of the story...
