The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94410 Message #1827918
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
05-Sep-06 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: A return to only one section?
Subject: RE: A return to only one section?
From one of the other threads, Jeri had said:
"I'm guessing the Writers of the Code won't have time for this."
Maybe but trying to run ways possible ways through in my own head and with a best guess of how things work, it also seems to me rather more complicated to implement than say, to pick on one, kat's suggestion and I'd guess would involve rather more in the way of query complexity and/or comparisons when a thread is being opened. I could be wrong of course though...
One related thing that did interest me the other day was this script that works for the BBC boards.
What it does is after the page is loaded, it reformats it, etc. I haven't a clue how it does what it does but maybe one day I'll try to find out. Understanding it probably does open doors to one applying ones own personal ignore lists and other filtering not provided by the system itself.