The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94452   Message #1827954
Posted By: Barry Finn
05-Sep-06 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Osama bin Hitler???....
Subject: RE: BS: Osama bin Hitler???....
I posted to another thread about this. Here is a brief on what's coming from the Republicans aimed at the Nov elections.

Beware the eyes of Nov. It seems that there is a republician campain just starting now that trying to dump the blame for 9/11 on Clintion. Which is gearded to remove some heat from Bush & Company from that & the Iraqi war.

for more info or sources see MoveOn.Org Civic Action

"ABC plans to show a 9/11 movie made by a right-wing producer who blames Clinton and defends Bush."

The writer and producer of The Path to 9/11 is an outspoken conservative activist.2 And the right wing is thrilled about the movie—Rush Limbaugh said "the film really zeros in on the shortcomings of the Clinton administration" and "It's sort of surprising that ABC's picked it up, to me."3

ABC is billing the movie as an objective account based on the 9/11 Commission Report, but the miniseries is riddled with misinformation.

Good luck in Nov. The shit's about to hit the fan, watchout for the spin.
