The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1828048
Posted By: Old Guy
05-Sep-06 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
The Gov. asked for 700 busses like they are hanging in bunches on grape vines. FEMA sent 100. Meanwhile where were the busses that belonged to the government down there?

And just what documents were asked for and refused?

My reading is not of blogs but CNN, NBC and such, even the WAPO when they tell the truth.

Here are some documents for you to read about what the local government was up to during the disaster.

You sure do like to make apologies for the local government in New Orleans. They only thing they did that you can point out is that they released 100,000 pages of documents that you mischaracterize as 100,000 documents.

Take a look at this photo of busses belonging to the city taken on Aug 31 2005. These busses were not flooded and could have been used to evacuate at least some of the people from the Superdome or the convention center. The road was clear between the facilities. But no, "We need everything you've got", sit on your incompetent ass and whine to the federal governmet while your people suffer.

Now blame that on GWB.