The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94410   Message #1828083
Posted By: Ron Davies
05-Sep-06 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: A return to only one section?
Subject: RE: A return to only one section?
Guest Bee (I think it was on the other thread, now closed) has it right--top priority has to go to people interested in musical topics--so they can avoid non-musical topics. It's easy now--why change?

I actually enjoy lurking in the Irish threads--learning what the various sides think--and why.

I've learned some things from the Israel threads too.

Mudcat is a window on--so many--worlds.

I just hope the person holding the gun to the heads of those who complain about the political threads' existence takes the gun away soon. It's a shame people are forced to read something they don't want to read--and forced to post too, no doubt.