The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94410   Message #1828100
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
06-Sep-06 - 12:03 AM
Thread Name: A return to only one section?
Subject: RE: A return to only one section?
It's a shame people are forced to read something they don't want to read--and forced to post too, no doubt.

Here we go again. For starters I don't think any one has complained about this existance of political treads, As far as I can make out kat felt it might be an idea to provide an optional way of splitting them as with the BS. No great crime there as far as I can see until it get's "Mudcatted" about.

I've no opinion over whether the idea is good or bad but I have one over where the shame lies. This is the great Mudcat Community at work again, as it was with the BS.

The original problem was quite clear. Some found it being mixed in distracting etc. Others had feelings it should be mixed.

A true community may have tried to work out a solution (and in this case it was patently obvious to me that there were simple tech ones that could help) and ways of working things together and trying to undertand the other's position.

But, no, this is Mudcat... People who found the BS mixed a problem wre dismissed as wingers, even now the BS split is plainly seen by some as a move caused by moany people who thought Mudcat should be about music.

This may surprise a number of people here but I take an entirely differnet view on this one and take my hat off to Jeff for arriving at an elegant solution that made life easier for 2 sets of people with contrasting views to get along together.

The trouble is, Mudcat is not a place for trying to understand others, it is a place where territory is feircly guarded and even bending over slightly is out of the question. It is a place where he (or the group" who shouts loudest wins.

Things like this IMO have contribute more to the loss of feel of comunity that some here feel than any guest contribution does. The trolls just latch onto what is there under the surface.