The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94461   Message #1828105
Posted By: GUEST,Michaelroy99
06-Sep-06 - 12:21 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Fanario (?)
Subject: Origins: Fanario (?)
I need some lore, some interpretation, and a lyrics check on the Civil War song, "Fanario," and even the spelling is suspect. I am doing a choral (and guitar / string band) medley of songs about the Civil War and I am including this song.

The meaning is vague as to the last verse, which (in part) I have as: "William, he is dead, and he died for that maid, and he's buried in the Louisianna Country-O." In that he has threatened in the previous verse to burn the city "and destroy all the ladies in the are-o," precisely how does Captain William "die" for the maid, Peggy-O? It would seem more apt that he never returned to make good his threat to punish the city and Peggy for her refusal of his marriage proposal, and that he merely died in battle. How then, does he die for her? Any illumination out there among the folk sages?