The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94410 Message #1828625
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
06-Sep-06 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: A return to only one section?
Subject: A return to only one section?
Actually Susan, I do not think this thread belongs in BS. It is an attempt to raise a serious suggestion concerning the running of the daily outlook of the forum.
I agree entirly but unless there is any chance of it being returned to the music section - where we may judge this thread belongs appears to be thought to be of little importance.
But had it remained there - it may have been possible to obtain the views of posters who are not usually able to contribute to issues that affect them equally, in such threads as these, as they would not see them in the BS section, but whose contributions in them may have been useful to the discussion. Perhaps that was one reason why it was so quickly relegated to the BS?
If this had remained in the Music section then those with an interest in Bullshit might not have had a chance to see it. You can't have it both ways Shambles, unless you run two identical threads, and fortunately that option has been denied you.