The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1829306
Posted By: Bobert
07-Sep-06 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Fir the umpteeenth time, Old Guy, ****I don't hate George Bush****!!! Is that too difficult for you to understand???

What I hate are his policies, his arrogance, his lies and his world vision... If he weren't a president who is bungling up so many things and just a guy down the street, I'd prolly enjoy sittin' back wid him and a few chilly ones... Pretzels (wink, wink..) for him, of course...

Now back to the buses... In the released documents and notes of Gov. Blanco there is a document to the White House complaining that the buses that FEMA had promised hadn't been delivered...

Now if the priomise hadn't been masde in the 1st place do you think that, given the criticism that Bush has gotten, that Karl Rove wouldn't have gleefully used this as another of his patented "Ah-hah, gotcha's..." in order to divert attention away from Bush's failures??? I mean, we're dealing with common sense here, Old Guy... This ain't rocket suregy, 'er nuthin'...

Perhaps you'd like to explain why else Gov. Blanco wouldn't have registered this complaint with the White House if the proimise of buses hadn't been made???

Yeah, jus' answer that one, will ya'???
