The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94410 Message #1829334
Posted By: GUEST
07-Sep-06 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: A return to only one section?
Subject: RE: A return to only one section?
You are correct, of course Geoff. However, Shambles provides a convenient target for several individuals on this forum with loads of rage, who enjoy having a reason to discharge it. If they didn't have such rage, they would not have to respond to Roger. They could be silent. I for one, have evaporated becaue of this rage. Now I'lll get the rage for being a "coward" and all manner of other dastardly qualities...oh well It's really their loss. I'm a nice person with much to offer.
Also the fact that Max suggested that Roger leave means one of two things. He can't block him or he doesn't want to. So why keep saying the same thing over and over? Perseveration from anyone in any form is either a thinking disorder or a lack of imagination. Both apply to our resident cyber bullies. They don't like having a spade called a spade so they attack back in all manner of ways. Just watch.