The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94506   Message #1830250
Posted By: catspaw49
08-Sep-06 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Monsey's (non) Kosher Chicken Crisis
Subject: RE: BS: Monsey's (non) Kosher Chicken Crisis
I dunno' Russ.....I read it that way too and it was that which set me off along with the "major tragedy" element.

Somewhere along the line I guess I thought it was religion which many used to soothe the soul. The hellfire and brimstone bunch never seemed to make sense for that very reason.

Sol, if I offended I apologize up to a point........You are of course entitled to your beliefs and I have never felt otherwise. This one bothered me and it frankly should not have. Maybe I'm just in a piss poor mood!
