The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94541   Message #1830476
Posted By: Barry Finn
09-Sep-06 - 12:52 AM
Thread Name: Who's going to 2006 Getaway (West River, MD)
Subject: Who's going to 2006 Getaway
OK, ya don't have ta say ya going or knot because ya may already have posted that on a different thread. But that 'Who's Knot Thread' was getting to be the answer to "Why We Sing The Blues". Almost like takin depression 101 in high school, an it ain't like that. These folks that are "has beens" but this year they're "crying can't's" know what there missing an don wanna miss it butts.....

Ok now I wanna let ya know that in some other thread it's been mentioned if it's money see one of the commitee people, they said the scholarship fund is healthy. And a good thing too, cause the last 2 yrs when I wasn't (healthy) & ta boot I was hard strapped for cash cause of it, it saw me through & it was a good thing cause it helped me ta get better & I'm glad to be in a better place now but the best place ta be come November is here at the Getaway. Even you folks that are thinking that ya don't know anyone or yor only a newbe or just a recent guest ta MudCat or yar too shy or that yar don't really sing or play stumpin it's still a place that ya gotta go to. Ya may not believe it till ya see & hear it but after ya've been there you'll know that there's a sort of family tie formin in yar gut that'll grow & drive ya to come again the next year & the years after.

So anyway, who's going besides me???

Love ta see ya all there (I don't really talk this way, I just sing this way,,,, if ya ask)
