The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1831099
Posted By: Bobert
10-Sep-06 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Oh contriare, Oldster...

First of all, the "gate" in Katrinagate isn't about whether or not a fully funded 20 year program would have or would not have protected NO from a Cat 4 or Cat 5 storm or even if it would have protected NO from an occasional thunderstorm... You keep going back to this same red herring as if it is the Holy Grail but it really has nuthin' to do with the Bush failures...

And, in case you have not been keeping up, Katrina has long been demoted to a fast moving Cat 3 storm which, depending on which engineer one happens to have in his corner is something that a fully funded maintenace program might have held back... No one can say beyond a xshodow of doubt one way or another...

What we do know, and this is why the "gate" in Katrinagate is:

1. Bush gutted FEMA.

2. Bush gutted the Army Corpes of Engineers maintance budget.

3. Bush ignored his own National Response Plan.

4. Bush ignored Michael Brown's warnings that thwe "big one" was coming.

5. Bush ignored Gov. Blanco's requests for federal help.

6. The Bush administration didn't order federal resources until 36 hours after Katrina left NO.

7. Bush had to be flown over the area just so that he could believe that Katrina wasn't some practical joke that folks were playin' on him.

Yeah, Oldster, Bush can run but you can't hide... He absolutely blew it... And now he's been caught... This ain't about Nagin 'cause this was a regional disaster and the National Response Plan orders federal intervention in regional disasters... Bush had plenty of warnings...

Historians will get this one right no matter how hard the Bush apologists work at their revisionism... The facts are right here in plain sight... Ain't no burying 'um... Ain't no circumventin' 'um... Ain't no hidin' 'um...

In the words of Walter Cronkite, "That's the way it is."
