The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94462   Message #1831758
Posted By: Old Guy
11-Sep-06 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: A good side of Wal-Mart?
Subject: RE: BS: A good side of Wal-Mart?
Walnart Contributions of $1 Million and Over
American Cancer Society
American Legion
American Red Cross
Boy Scouts
Boys & Girls Clubs
Children's Miracle Network
Girl Scouts
Laura Bush Library Foundation
National Council of La Raza
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
National Minority Supplier Development Council,
Business Consortium Fund
Salvation Army
United Negro College Fund
United Way
Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation

George Soros's Democracy Alliance, a secretive coalition of almost 100 of America's wealthiest liberal donors, so far has pumped $50 million into left-wing think tanks and advocacy organizations in the last nine months, the Washington Post reported July 17. Organizers describe the financial push as the first phase in a long-term campaign to challenge conservatives.