The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94487   Message #1832238
Posted By: Severn
11-Sep-06 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hints for your Secret Santa--2006
Subject: RE: BS: Hints for your Secret Santa--2006
Age 57

Gender Male

Favorite color- Blues & Greens (a former redhead)

Type of book/wants- History (Local to you would be fine), Nautical history, something Folklore related, a good mystery by one of your favorite writers of such stuff.

Music likes/wants I like just about all kinds, but Folk, Blues, Old=Time String band, Nautical related material or English speaking traditional from anywhere are nice. Something from your area whether by you or your favorite local singer or bar band would be good also. LPs CDs or Cassettes all acceptable.

Movies/DVDs- US compatable. Some old Harold Lloyd or Chaplain's "The Kid". Hitchcock. Historical Documentary or music as described above on VHS or DVD.

T-Shirt size X-large

Collections/hobbies-old antique metal advertising signs/thermometers porcelain enamel or otherwise


Other Factors-Again, I'm in the USA, so deal with any import or machine compatability factors accordingly. No allergies, but I'd want any food to reflect either your area or specialties of your own cooking.

Something reflecting you and your area would be best as a learning/sharing experience. I actually was fortunate enough to get to visit the area and sites commemorated by the presents from last year's Santa in person this year.