The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94607   Message #1832791
Posted By: The Shambles
12-Sep-06 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unmoderated forum, silly idea?
Subject: RE: BS: Unmoderated forum, silly idea?
This is the only forum the I visit where guests are allowed to post. All of the other forums require membership.

Isn't this is a bit like saying all the other galleries I vist don't have the Mona Lisa - so the Louvre should throw-out theirs?

Are you saying that requiring membership is good thing simply because all the other sites you visit now require it? Perhaps they are just very ordinary sites?

The Mudcat Discussion Forum - in always being seen to encourage contributions from the public - has perhaps just aimed higher than these other sites? I suggest that any disadvantages that may be caused by this ambition are far outweighed by the advantages.

But we have discussed this issue and been assured that a change to a members-only forum is NOT on the cards.
Music posts by Guests to be reviewed
Proposal for members only posting of BS

But sadly this issue remains one that is now permanently confused with the issue of moderation. As our forum is now very aware - (because they openly state it) - that many of our current (known) 'moderators' are still in favour of such a change. To my mind this opens the question of just how committed these 'moderators' can be in demonstrating that a forum open to the public can function or whether they have a vested interest in demonstrating that it cannot function - without their preferred restriction being imposed.

To avoid this and other possible conflicts - perhaps our 'moderators' could either now be asked to choose to either moderate or to post their opinions but not to do both?