The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94579   Message #1832946
Posted By: GUEST,Martin Ellison
12-Sep-06 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: Found instruments
Subject: RE: Found instruments
In the interests of the safe return of the melodeon:
The only "Melvyn" busker I know from the North West is Melvyn Ashcroft who busks in Chorley, amongst other places. He usually plays duet concertina but melodeon would not be unknown in his repertoire. He would very likely be at Fylde - I've seen him there several times. I can't offer a contact for him but I believe he lives in Adlington, near Chorley, so this may prompt someone's memory who can expand on this.
And it's not the first time he's left instruments lying around . . .
Hope he gets it back.
Martin Ellison