The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94165   Message #1832973
Posted By: Old Guy
12-Sep-06 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Has Walmart been defeated?
Subject: RE: BS: Has Walmart been defeated?
So now you select your own definitions?

Working men are men who work.

What has the Republician Party done for us in my lifetime. Hummm.

Although most school districts at least attempted to integrate following the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision, some school districts, particularly those in the Deep South, actively avoided desegregation. One of the most famous cases involved Little Rock's Central High School, where Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus [Democrat] joined local whites in resisting integration by dispatching the Arkansas National Guard to block the nine black students from entering the school. President Dwight Eisenhower [Republican] responded by sending federal troops to protect the students. The crisis in Little Rock showed America that the president could and would enforce court orders with federal troops. When eight of the nine black students successfully completed the school year, they showed America that black students could and would endure the intense hatred that racist white students could dump on them. It was a big step towards integration and an important one, even though it caused nine brave teenagers unspeakable pain.