The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28698   Message #1833236
Posted By: Barry Finn
13-Sep-06 - 12:21 AM
Thread Name: 10,000 Miles Away (On the Banks of a Lonely River)
Subject: RE: Bound To See My Mother 10000 Miles Away
Hi vielleuse
Sorry, I don't know how to read or write music nor can I do the musical notations that I see others doing here but if you PM me with your tel phone number or if you don't care about publishing it on the internet here I'll call you & sing what your answering machine will let me sing into it. My son has a mike set up into my PC so if there's a way I can do it that way let me know. I tried to get into Mudchat once but couldn't get thru. I don't know of it being recorded anywhere & really doubt that it is yet seeing as it's only been recently collected. I don't know where you're located & don't know if you're going to the Getaway but if you are I sing it for you or if you happen to know anyone that's going I'd gladly sing it into a tape recorder for you. It's really a great song song & not a boast but it's one I do a bang up job on & love to sing.

Hi Bob
I sang this at a Getaway & Lisa Null came up with a different version. Basically the same only different verses. She said that she had them from Almedia Riddle's songbook or from Almedia & it was in her songbook I don't remember exactly anymore but I keep looking for them when I remember. Otherwise I don't have anything more on this song than what's already here. I love to find out more too. Like what Claudy Banks they're singing about(I assume Ireland but who knows). And why was this collected in Nova Scotia & where did Almedia get her version from & why such a lovely song wasn't collected elsewhere (maybe it was but it seems that no one here has heard of it or maybe they have & haven't seen this thread)?

Good day & good luck
