The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94607   Message #1833349
Posted By: Grab
13-Sep-06 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unmoderated forum, silly idea?
Subject: RE: BS: Unmoderated forum, silly idea?
To tell someone who is in exactly the same position as you are vis a vis a web site that their opinions don't matter, is tantamount to saying that YOUR opinions don't matter either.

True, Giok. But then this is a private space owned by an individual, who just happens to allow public access under conditions made by him. No-one's opinions matter except the site owner - you (not you specifically, but "one") can *request* changes, but if the owner doesn't want to make those changes then you have to face it that they're not going to happen. If you disagree with the site owner's policies then you have the right to leave, but you don't have a right to compel them to change the conditions.

For that reason, Shambles' "informed judgement" argument is complete hogwash. We have a right to stay or go, based on our opinions on how the place is being run. We don't have a right to force the owner to make changes so we can check his site is being run how we would like, because we don't have a right to make that judgement. If this was a communally-owned area, then we *would* have that right. But unless you're making major financial and time contributions to keeping the site going (and that *doesn't* mean posting frequently!!!) then you can't claim that.

If anyone don't like how it's run, and their requests for changes are rejected, they have precisely one option - leave.

That doesn't mean that moderators can't get it wrong on occasion. They're only human, and if you give anyone enough shit then they'll crack eventually. So that means treating them with the respect you yourself would like to receive - if you treat them with disrespect for long enough, eventually you're going to get disrespect back.
