The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1833863
Posted By: Elmer Fudd
13-Sep-06 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
You don't see Bassett hounds much any more. Around where I live, the neighborhood is lousy with golden retrievers. They are a dime a dozen.

There used to be a guy who worked in a nearby hospital who walked his dog near my house every day after work. I don't know what breed she was, but she was medium-sized, black, and very furry. Her name was Flo-Jo. He told me that he had brought her to work the day he adopted her. She had somehow gotten loose on the ward. He and a couple of other nurses were trying to catch the puppy, but she was very fast, running in and out of patients' rooms, toenails pattering on the floor, and staying out of reach.

One patient, an elderly woman, called to him, "Honey, what's that dog's name?" He replied that he hadn't thought of a name yet. She said, "Well then, honey, you better name her Flo-Jo, because she sure runs fast!" He promised her he would, and he did.
