The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94607   Message #1834248
Posted By: The Shambles
14-Sep-06 - 07:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unmoderated forum, silly idea?
Subject: RE: BS: Unmoderated forum, silly idea?
That doesn't mean that moderators can't get it wrong on occasion. They're only human, and if you give anyone enough shit then they'll crack eventually. So that means treating them with the respect you yourself would like to receive - if you treat them with disrespect for long enough, eventually you're going to get disrespect back.

"Moderator" can be a very difficult and thankless job. In a large community, it's impossible to please everyone, all the time. A successful moderator learns to accept this. It takes a great deal of maturity and self confidence to follow through in enforcing the rules fairly and evenly, while treating *all* site users with respect and dignity. "Disciplinary actions" should be conducted in private, remain confidential, and be allowed to be forgotten.

I would put it a little more bluntly. If you can't stand the heat - then don't volunteer to work in the kitchen and feel that this gives you the right to be seen to set the example of throwing pots and pans at the customers when you do not feel they are paying you the respect you feel you deserve.

Graham - Perhaps you would accept that no amount of provocation will ever justify the actions of any 'moderator' who is seen publicly to set the example of feeling they are entitled to be openly disrepectful to those they are supposed to be helping?

For example (and sadly - by no means a first offence):

Subject: RE: BS: Unmoderated forum, silly idea?
From: Big Mick - PM
Date: 13 Sep 06 - 07:14 AM

Idiots. Have you learned nothing in the last month?
Subject: RE: BS: Unmoderated forum, silly idea?
From: Big Mick - PM
Date: 13 Sep 06 - 08:59 AM

I sincerely apologize for the use of the term "idiots" in that last post of mine. It was uncalled for, and I am sorry for using it. The remainder of the post stands.