The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94607   Message #1834489
Posted By: Grab
14-Sep-06 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unmoderated forum, silly idea?
Subject: RE: BS: Unmoderated forum, silly idea?
Graham - Perhaps you would accept that no amount of provocation will ever justify the actions of any 'moderator' who is seen publicly to set the example of feeling they are entitled to be openly disrepectful to those they are supposed to be helping?

Nope. Moderators are forum members too, so they're entitled to voice their opinions. So long as any moderation itself is not due to that disrespect, and so long as they don't use their positions as an opportunity to use language which would get posts from other people deleted, I have no problems at all.

I disagree with Mick on a lot of things. That's fine - he doesn't have to share my opinion, even when I think he's talking out his arse. If he deleted posts (and not just moved elsewhere - actually deleted completely) because I'd disagreed with him, then I'd be pissed off. But so long as he sticks to posting his opinions of me or what I'm saying, that's fair game. I can respect his self-control in using moderation correctly, even if I don't like what he says.
