The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94708   Message #1835070
Posted By: sian, west wales
15-Sep-06 - 05:46 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Origin of 'Scouser'?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Origin of 'Scouser'?
Take one pregnant woman.

Keep her in Liverpool until she gives birth.

Voila: a Scouse(r)

If you want a recipe for Lobscouse, you're in very dangerous waters. Housewives, and their attendand tribes, have come to blows over what it should/should not be.

Go there, and you're a braver man than I. (OK: figuratively 'man', me being female and all.) You'll have similar problems trying for a definitive recipe for cawl in south and west Wales, or for Bara Brith or Welsh Cakes anywhere in the nation.
