The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94712   Message #1835115
Posted By: Rasener
15-Sep-06 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Heallth & Safety gone nuts UK
Subject: BS: Heallth & Safety gone nuts UK

My autistic daughter has big problems with her food. For example, she will not put things like cheese and meats on any bread and will only eat them seperately. Everything has to be eaten in a particular order. If anything is missing from her lunchbox that she expects to be there, it becomes and inconsolable problem.

Now my wife keeps a very close watch on her diet, and makes sure she has healthy foods in her lunchbox that ensure she eats a balanced diet.
Last week my wife put unsalted cashew nuts in her box I think for protien purposes (which my daughter had to agree before hand) and when she came home from school, she hadn't eaten them. When questioned, she told us that the dinner lady had banned her from eating them at school becuase of the possibilty of choking and nut allergy issues. Incidentally this lady has no knowledge of autism and neither should she be expected to do.

Due to that she will not eat nuts anymore (if you know anything about autism you will understand why)

So we rang the headmaster, who conformed that he is not allowed to let children have nuts at school.

So my wife said "What about peanut butter"
Yes thats fine says he.

Not much good says my wife
Why not said he.
Because your dinner lady has frightened our daughter into not wanting to eat nuts anymore.

Very sorry says he, but my hands are tied by the rules.

When will this sort of crap ever stop.