The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94602   Message #1835809
Posted By: Barry Finn
16-Sep-06 - 02:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Abu Ghraib open under new management
Subject: RE: BS: Abu Ghraib open under new management
No, it's about Abu Ghraib & why were we running their prisons in the 1st place, anyway???? Boy, is that a loaded question, what were we thinking?

And why did we set the new rules & put them in place???? Don't tell me it was "done & run" by the bottom tier terror-able tactful tacticians.

And why are we leaving those that we've placed & hand picked in this new situation in charge of those that we hand pick & placed in incarceration anyway. We've hand picked both the keepers & the kept & now we're tossing into this mix the old scum with the new slime??

Figures, we must've been really thinking hard on this one. Or do we just not give a f&%k? Do it & get out, a "shoot from the hip & fix it later" strategy,,,,AGAIN,,,,,as usual.

Let's start a war,,,,, we'll sell it & fix it later.
What a bunch of bastards.
