The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94607   Message #1835936
Posted By: The Shambles
16-Sep-06 - 08:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unmoderated forum, silly idea?
Subject: RE: BS: Unmoderated forum, silly idea?
That is part true. But not all true. It would stop some shit before it started, but other stuff--the deletions by people on some relatively harmless shit while some heavy harmful shit is left--well, that still wouldn't change. Depends on who's got the edit button.

How many times do you have to solve the same problem? The 'guest' prefix will now identify contributions from non-members. But most of the problems have come from members who insist on responding in kind - rather than simply ignoring any obvious provocation and who are now encouraged by (some of) those who should be setting a better example - to indulge in this.

If (some of) those who feel themselves qualified to impose their judgement upon their fellow posters were to not to set the example themselves of responding publicly with personal judgements of a poster's worth, with abuse and with name-calling and to turn a blind eye when a favourite was doing it for 'fun' - this sort of thing would have ceased to be a problem on our forum some time ago.

As it is far too late for (some of) these old dogs to learn new tricks or to repair the damage they have done to our forum - perhaps it is time for them to be retired to their kennels and for a new and more positive example to be set?

One that encourages the plain fact, that the only CONTROL possible on our forum will only ever be SELF-CONTROL.