The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54609 Message #1836069
Posted By: Suffet
16-Sep-06 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Three Foot Seam (from Gary & Vera Aspey)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Workin in the three foot seam
I am bringing this ancient thread back to life to let everyone know that I just recorded Three Foot Seam, a song I learned from my good friend Anne Price. Anne's own version is on her most recent CD, Remember Me. My version will be on my next CD, I've Been Up On the Mountain, scheduled for release March 10, 2007, at the Peoples' Voice Cafe in New York City. Until then, you are welcome to listen to it on-line or download it for free from my SoundClick music page. Here's a link. It's the first song up.
That's me on the Appalachian dulcimer and Gina Tlamsa on the fiddle. The chorus is made up of People's Music Network members Chris Lang, Ray Korona, Jody Kolodzey, Heather Lev, Bruce Markow, Joel Landy, Eric Levine, and, of course, Anne Price.