The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94724   Message #1836075
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Sep-06 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Twin Towers Controlled Demolition?
Subject: RE: BS: Twin Towers Controlled Demolition?
The real truth is...none of us know exactly what happened. None of us know the whole truth. We're in no position to. We are all theorizing, based on partial and quite fragmentary information...based on media spin...and based on the opinions and statements of many other people, who in most cases ALSO don't know exactly what happened on 911. Our theorizing, furthermore, is heavily driven by our prior emotional prejudices which color the way we interpret EVERYTHING we encounter.

As a result, you will see many vehement disagreements on this matter, and they will not be resolved. ;-)

And yet, most of those vehement people talk as if they knew.

My, my. What pretentiousness.

I am freely willing to admit that I don't KNOW for sure what happened on 911, who was behind it, who is lying about it, and who is telling the truth about it.

And neither do the rest of you.

It seems reasonably likely to me that certain people in the government (but most likely not George Bush himself) were involved in helping to set up 911...or in just helping to not stop it from happening. It seems likely to me that the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition. But I don't KNOW that, okay? It just seems likely to me, based on a great deal of stuff I've read about it, and based on the PNAC planning that was in place long before 911, and based on a prior attempt to bring down the WTC, and etc..etc. I don't KNOW. I just think it's rather likely. I await further information.

Now why don't all you other folks admit you don't KNOW too, and show a little humility for a change in the face of your personal limitations? You too, DougR...because you don't know. Admit it. You don't. You've just chosen to believe what you emotionally want to believe...same as pretty well everyone else here has chosen to do.

Nobody knows for sure what really happened except for some of those...a few of those sitting in the highest positions of power in the government, FBI, CIA, and such...and they are not posting about it on this forum, are they? I mean, hey, why the hell would they? ;-)

I figure they're probably busy doing other stuff that they consider more vital, right?