The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94712   Message #1836077
Posted By: bobad
16-Sep-06 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Heallth & Safety gone nuts UK
Subject: RE: BS: Heallth & Safety gone nuts UK
A 61 year old retired doctor died after being stung by a wasp on a golf course in Quebec a few years back. The EpiPen he had in his golf bag had expired 5 years earlier. The coroner made these recommendations;

"About 45 per cent of allergy sufferers are equipped with outdated EpiPens, Ramsay estimated.

He recommended patients carry two doses of EpiPen or the Twinject, which provides a double dose in the same applicator, and for manufacturers of auto-injectors to provide patients renewal notices of their products."