The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94712   Message #1836347
Posted By: Bonecruncher
16-Sep-06 - 08:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Heallth & Safety gone nuts UK
Subject: RE: BS: Heallth & Safety gone nuts UK
Perhaps someone could explain why there are today so many cases of food allergy or intolerance.
Those of us of an older generation were brought up on peanut butter, eggs, cheese and dairy produce plus lashings of salt and sugar (used as a preservative). We never heard of food allergies except in very rare cases.
If a child had a food intolerance that child was taught to avoid any potentially harmful foods. Even diabetics were allowed to manage their own diets. There was never any thought of banning sugar because it could kill a diabetic!

Personally I have a destation of garlic. It causes me headaches and vomiting, even when transmitted just by someone's breath. In my view it is the most noxious of additions to food.
However, as an osteopath I am obliged to work in very close proximity to my patients, some of whom smell as if they have just eaten a garlic sandwich! I have no choice in the matter, other than to refuse them treatment, so I have to manage my own problem as well as I can.

As has been stated above, to deny all for the sake of one, who can well be taught to manage their own lifestyle, is nothing short of abrogation of parental or management responsibility. In other words, lack of parental inclination to take responsibility for their own child's actions but to pass that responsibility to others. Looking for someone else to blame.

Finally, to return to the opening sentence, I would love to hear views and thoughts sa to why there are so many "allergy" cases today.
