The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94734   Message #1836563
Posted By: Rockhen
17-Sep-06 - 08:09 AM
Thread Name: MarketRasenFolkClub Friday Sep 22nd 06
Subject: RE: MarketRasenFolkClub Friday Sep 22nd 06
Looking forward to Friday!
I have heard all the other acts on the programme, before, ( that is unusual for me because MRFC offer such a wide range of acts, old and new, that there are usually a couple that are new to me...) and know that they will provide a brilliant evening's entertainment with good quality music. (Not being paid to say that, honest!)
Can't wait to give the long-suffering Terry his usual headache when he soundchecks us for our always, I know he will get it spot on after much hair-tearing out! (I blame mello cello but he always tries to blame my accordion and piano ...)
Am shocked at the attempts to lower the thread's tone, so early...Wild Wolds Women will be providing music suitable for all ages and a family audience... LOL