The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94506   Message #1836982
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
17-Sep-06 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Monsey's (non) Kosher Chicken Crisis
Subject: RE: BS: Monsey's (non) Kosher Chicken Crisis
Rabbi Sol: A very interesting analysis of the situation and the reasoning behind the acts of the butcher and also the community.

            If you are correct, and I have no reason to think you are not, living in the same county as I do, it leads me to some thoughts and observations about human nature and religiosity.

            Sad to say that greed may well be a prominent characteristic of the human condition.   Since true believers of some faiths believe that god created man to have free will then, I suppose, if he also created man in his image we can expect then that diety has those same characteristics.

            It seems that this is a characteristic in all faiths.   Judeo Christian ethic is what I am referring to above. Moslems also have--in my opinion--that failing. Think of this. Interest is not allowed in their faith. But they circumvent it with an arrangement (I do not know the proper term) so that money can be garnered by lenders for a handsome profit. Not unlike the folks in Bklyn buying McMansions in Monsey. Ah---a simple abode to worship the almighty and give thanks for such blessings.

             So what are we to make of all this---chickens aside?   I don't want to spell out what my feelings are since I will be accused of religion-baiting (for want of a better term).   Perhaps the best thing to make of all this is to appreciate the culture various religious and ethnic people have given us and try to live an ethical---and dare I add---cultured--life and hope that we live with our fellow humans in harmony.   

No Easter Bonnets, no fancy clothes on the high holy days, no mansions on various hills to impress our fellow humans, because all of the above are supposed to be repugnant to whatever diety you worship.

You may or may not enjoy the humor of Larry David and Curb Your Enthusiasm. But, he does make a point at times and the one I appreciated from his 5th season was him wanting to attend Shul---no tickets available. He goes to a scalper at the door and pays $600---only to be thrown out later because of arguing with a fellow congregant. You can translate that to any organized religion, I believe.

Bill Hahn ( who's entry into the kingdom of heaven is not guaranteed---only a final end)