The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94594   Message #1837094
Posted By: Joe Offer
17-Sep-06 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Kilimanjaro Road
Subject: Chords Add: KILIMANJARO ROAD
I got this in an e-mail from Girl Friday. Thanks a lot for sending this!
-Joe Offer-



|Am |G |E |Am | |G |Am

Walking along by the side of a pack-horse, underneath the African sky,

|Am |G |E |Am | |G |Am

The road it was dusty, the sun it was hot, the coconut trees they grew high,

|C |E7 |C |F | | |Am

The shining bodies of six black men, bearing their heavy loads.

|Am |E7 |Am | | |E7 |Am

Twenty-five miles from Kimweze on the Kilimanjaro Road


|Am |G |E |Am | |G |Am

Five days travelling out from the bush and five days back again,

|Am |G |E |Am | |G |Am

The soles of my feet they started to blister. My body was bent with pain.

|C |E7 |C |F | | |Am

And I longed for the journey to come to an end, but the point on the compass showed,

|Am |E7 |Am | | |E7 |Am

We were twenty-five miles from Kimweze on the Kilimanjaro Road


|Am |G |E |Am | |G |Am

Well the dust from the road it would cause me to cough and the bugs would cause me to swear,

|Am |G |E |Am | |G |Am

My throat was so dry and I longed for some water but we'd got little to spare,

|C |E7 |C |F | | |Am

I'd look back down to the road to Heroosha where the river Pangani flowed,

|Am |E7 |Am | | |E7 |Am

But we were twenty-five miles from Kimweze on the Kilimanjaro Road


|Am |G |E |Am | |G |Am

By the side of the road were the huts made of mud, with bamboos stuck in the ground,

|Am |G |E |Am | |G |Am

I gazed at the sky, and I saw that the vultures were hungrily circling around.

|C |E7 |C |F | | |Am

We passed the farmers at work in the field, praying for the crops they sowed,

|Am |E7 |Am | | |E7 |Am

Twenty-five miles from Kimweze on the Kilimanjaro Road.


|Am |G |E |Am | |G |Am

But hour by hour, and little by little, we came a bit nearer the town

|Am |G |E |Am | |G |Am

Evening approached and that African sun started at last to go down,

|C |E7 |C |F | | |Am

Our bodies all covered in dust and sweat, the strain of the journey showed,

|Am |E7 |Am | | |E7 |Am

The last twenty-five miles from Kimweze on the Kilimanjaro Road.