The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94594   Message #1837098
Posted By: Joe Offer
17-Sep-06 - 11:17 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Kilimanjaro Road
Here it is again, with chords removed for easier reading.
Oh, but first, here's the e-mail text from Girl Friday:

Walking along by the side of a pack-horse, underneath the African sky,
The road it was dusty, the sun it was hot, the coconut trees they grew high,
The shining bodies of six black men, bearing their heavy loads.
Twenty-five miles from Kimweze on the Kilimanjaro Road

Five days travelling out from the bush and five days back again,
The soles of my feet they started to blister. My body was bent with pain.
And I longed for the journey to come to an end, but the point on the compass showed,
We were twenty-five miles from Kimweze on the Kilimanjaro Road

Well the dust from the road it would cause me to cough and the bugs would cause me to swear,
My throat was so dry and I longed for some water but we'd got little to spare,
I'd look back down to the road to Heroosha where the river Pangani flowed,
But we were twenty-five miles from Kimweze on the Kilimanjaro Road

By the side of the road were the huts made of mud, with bamboos stuck in the ground,
I gazed at the sky, and I saw that the vultures were hungrily circling around.
We passed the farmers at work in the field, praying for the crops they sowed,
Twenty-five miles from Kimweze on the Kilimanjaro Road.

But hour by hour, and little by little, we came a bit nearer the town
Evening approached and that African sun started at last to go down,
Our bodies all covered in dust and sweat, the strain of the journey showed,
The last twenty-five miles from Kimweze on the Kilimanjaro Road.