The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94506   Message #1837547
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
18-Sep-06 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Monsey's (non) Kosher Chicken Crisis
Subject: RE: BS: Monsey's (non) Kosher Chicken Crisis
I am in charter bus sales. That is my profession. But in my private life I am a member of the Monsey orthodox Jewish community and involved in everything that goes on there. There is no law that says that a Rabbi can not make a living by having another job. One who has a Rabbinnical ordination does not necessarily have to be a practicing clergyman to the exclusion of anything else. If non-chicken grease got on a few dinner plates you do not have to throw out the entire set; only those few dishes that came in contact with the treif substance must be discarded.
                                                SOL ZELLER