The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94724   Message #1837953
Posted By: Thomas the Rhymer
18-Sep-06 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Twin Towers Controlled Demolition?
Subject: RE: BS: Twin Towers Controlled Demolition?
Well now... since I've been more or less holed up with the flu... or was it the spinach?... I've had a week to feel so lousy that I was reduced to a surfing automaton... out of sheer bordom. This is, in part, an apology for such an odd array of posting in the last week... and an explanation for this seemingly ridiculous post...

I did the unthinkable. I looked up "conspiracy theory" websites... and actually read some of them. Whooo-weee! What a mess! I gotta tell you... It seems sometimes like there must be a community of people out there in cyber-space-land making regular paychecks... for drawing the 'wrong' conclusions, stretching the truth too far, and creating new facts to substantiate known results... You know... like 'testers' in a software mill, or pornstars if you will. And, as with looking at porn... after about 10 seconds of confusion and irritation, you just end up feeling sorry for the poor sots... like... do they even realize how messed up they are? Blehk!!!

O.K... that being said...

There are a few 'Conspiracy theory points' that seem suprizingly lucid to someone doubled over in vertigo and pain. Here's ten to address... but please DO NOT focus or direct your answers to me... as they are not my doing, and I jus' call's 'em as I see's 'em... K? I repeat... I DID NOT MAKE THESE UP, AND I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM BEING ALL OVER THE NET. However, since I'd never heard of them before this week... I can't be sure of anything about them, now, can I?

So... put the "Beach Boys" into your 'super drive' and scan the fruits of my "End of Summer" Surf Extravaganza through the sights of your favorite 'skeet shooter', 'cause I'm loading 'em up! O.K... Here we go!!!

1.) One month after the towers fell, there was STILL molten steel in the basements of extowers 1, 2, & 7. Can anyone explain this to me... using only steel, jet fuel, concrete, and an hour?

2.)The amount of jet fuel left to burn after the initial explosions was insufficient to melt or detemper steel in an hour or so. Black jet fuel smoke indicates a burning temp of approx 500F... About the same as broiling bacon?
a.)Many of the fuel fires were under control or out before the buildings fell.
b.)Buildings were designed to withstand a direct hit from a "fully loaded" 707.

3.)The steel webwork around the outside of the buildings retained much of it's strength after the crashes... due to it's interlaced design. Like a pencil through mosquito netting?

4.)Does anyone anywhere have even a single report of a steel structure falling down for any reason? Three fell on that one day.

5.)Explosions are documented, and are reported to have caused injury and death... in the basement of the towers... after the impact of planes, and before the towers fell. Hmmm.

6.)Dust... that is uncharacteristic of a building that just 'fell down'... Dust with EXTREMELY small particle size... complete with 'Pyroclastic flows' that are associated with 'large extremely hot explosions' like volcanic eruptions... and some others...

7.)Norad 'Stand down'-Cheney in the Bunker-Rumsfeld in comand-Bush in stupor-airtraffic-war games-pentagon plane crash drills-plane wings missing-Many warnings from around the world for months totally ignored-ad seemingly infinitum ... I'm sorry... this stuff was just too thick for my flu-addled mind to follow... But 'common sense' tells me that... um... well, let's just move on to number 8... O.K?

8.)Reputed reports of 'military type explosives' residue left on some steel after 9/11... steel was recycled out of this country with little analysis... there are many photographed and video'd instances... flashes if you will, and power was supposedly gone for blocks around the buildings... That look like welding... like some say... thermite reactions... Massive explosions (2.1 & 2.3 on the rictor scale for buildings 2 and 1 respectively measured seismicly about 20 miles away) seconds before towers one and two started to fall. Yikes!

9.)Many confirmed reports of people hearing explosions ... throughout the buildings... before and as they fell. Hmmmm... Were there any powerburns that day?

Warning!!! Unscientific and Problematic Reasoning Alert!!!

                              But there is no other way to say this...
10.)Many of the men most in charge of this country, declared several years before 9/11... that what their 'New World Plan' (or whatever it was called) needed most in order to be executable in a timely fashion (ie. in their lifetimes), was a catalysing moment... a "Pearl Harbor" type incident. (no anectdote needed)

Well, there you have it... a bunch of ridiculous overreactions, based on circumstantial speculation... Gleaned from fourth hand simplifications. Give it a go, and shoot them all down! I'm trying to do.

...and remember now... I'm just the messenger... so... I'm    s l o w l y   b a c k i n g    u p
a n d   g e t t i n g   m y   c o a t   c a r e f u l l y. . .
Happy Hunting!