The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11976   Message #1838108
Posted By: Scrump
19-Sep-06 - 05:49 AM
Thread Name: What 'serious' song do you giggle through?
Subject: RE: What 'serious' song do you giggle through?
Likewise I can never hear the Bee Gees without thinking of the Hee Bee Gee Bees (anyone remember "Meaningless Songs In Very High Voices"?)

Oh dear, Scrump, I DO remember that, on the Kenny Everett Video Show. I also remember he did a pretty good job on Barry Manilow too, with the huge nose that kept getting bigger and knocking bits of the set down.

I remember that Kenny Everett Bee Gees sketch - very funny. They filmed him as the 3 brothers with large false teeth, and the song mentioned a "Mass o' Chew Sets" somewhere :-)

I also remember him dressed as Rod Stewart in his Britt Ekland phase, miming to "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy"*, wearing a frilly shirt and leopard skin tights (IIRC) which kept getting inflated bigger and bigger until he floated off. Classic stuff!

* No!

The Hee Bee Gee Bees were different, though - they were a group in the late 70s (IIRC - or was it early 80s?) who recorded an album "Never Mind The Originals - Here's The Hee Bee Gee Bees", wwhich contained spoofs of the Bee Gees and other artists popular at that time. They did a brilliant Status Quo one called "Boring Song", but I forget the rest for the mo'. (I remember the group included Angus Deayton before he became a TV celebrity or whatever he is these days.)

Incidentally, the mention of Kenny Everett reminds me of that great album The World's Worst Records, based on his radio show where he got listeners to nominate the worst records they could think of. Some of the 'death' songs I mentioned earlier were on there, as well as vomit inducing stuff like "The Deal" by Pat Campbell (anyone remember that?)