The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94811   Message #1838549
Posted By: English Jon
19-Sep-06 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: Professional Folksinger, and Proud of It
Subject: RE: Professional Folksinger, and Proud of It
Hi Tom - Yes, it's Loomes here!

The Charity issue is an interesting one. I see no reason why a pro singer can't do the odd free gig here and there for a good cause. I guess the point is that those members of society with "proper jobs" as James Henry (slightly patronisingly) puts it don't usually get asked to apply their professional services for free. for example, perhaps mr henry is an accountant - Does he get asked a couple of times a week to go and do the books for his local children's hospice? Maybe he's a plumber, inundated with calls asking him to donate old taps and lengths of copper pipe in order to bring fresh water to a village in africa? I used to have a proper Job - I ran a busy department in a multimedia company. A total waste of time and energy, basically.I feel very fortunate that now, as an entertainer my services are so frequently in demand to improve the lives of so many people.

Doing a free gig is, linguistically speaking, performing in an amateur capacity - There are many "amateur" musicians whose standard is much higher than a lot of pros - I think the whole guest/number6 argument is a misunderstanding - some people use the word amateur to imply poor standard, but that's not what it actually means.

Actually I'm going to stop now, as this post is rapidly becoming yet another sign of my departing faculties.

Hey ho.