The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94824   Message #1838657
Posted By: catspaw49
19-Sep-06 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Of storks and cabbage leaves
Subject: RE: BS: Of storks and cabbage leaves
On subject.......I think it was the first time my Mom suggested I talk to my Dad. I don't remember what age exactly but it was when I first had "Morning Wood."

My mom and I had always been buddies and there was nothing she didn't seem to know. She was in fact a very intelligent person constantly challenging my thinking and ideas. There was seemingly no end to her knowledge. So I was quite surprised when one day I asked her why I was having trouble peeing in the morning and she replied, "Hmmm....I think you need to check with your Dad on that one. He may have an idea or two."

The Old Man cornered me a few days later and I was totally confused by the time we were done. At any rate, a number of good books showed up around the house and like Bill I kinda' figured it out as I went along and when I needed to know, I knew.

Funny, this thread. My son Michael is discovering girls right now and Karen and I were talking today about Jr. High romances and dances. There was an excitement and thrill then that we never get to relive, and some wouldn't want to. But I loved it, tragedy and laughter....walking girls home clear across town, someone breaking up at every dance with her crying and her friends talking to his friends but not to him. Except for that one girl who wants him next except he wants her best friend and..............It WAS a fun and educational time.

I'd like to thank the following girls for making it fun and not too tragic! If they read this ever, I hope they have as good a memory of those times as I do. Makes me envious of my son............***sigh***.......

Betsy Mallen
Lynn White
Joy Drumm
Kathy Thoms
Donna Goddard
Kirsten Parris
Barb McAfee
Marsha Lisk
Kathy Bowman

Nice girls all.
