The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94602   Message #1838839
Posted By: dianavan
20-Sep-06 - 01:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Abu Ghraib open under new management
Subject: RE: BS: Abu Ghraib open under new management
"I am wondering if the Iraqis can handle democracy."

I voiced a similar sentiment when Bush decided to invade and Bush apologists and others shouted me down. The fact is, education is necessary to truly understand the meaning of democracy and the responsibilities that go with it. We also know that democracy cannot be imposed.

Thats why (as mean and nasty as Saddam is) he was, at least, able to maintain some kind of order. I do not applaud his methods (I think he and his son's are disgusting) but its up to the people to make the necessary changes, not an outside force. It just doesn't work.

All we have done is encouraged more terrorism for messing up their lives. What have we accomplished. Absolutely nothing. Its time the U.S. learned to mind their own business.

What's happening in Iraq and the U.S. today has nothing to do with democracy and we are all responsible.