The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94824   Message #1838860
Posted By: MBSLynne
20-Sep-06 - 02:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Of storks and cabbage leaves
Subject: RE: BS: Of storks and cabbage leaves
Gosh, I didn't realise how ahead of her time my Mum must have been. I was about nine I guess, though I knew about babies in Mummies tummies because I was nearly seven when my sister was born and had felt her kick and so on. Some teenagers up the road, about 13 or so had been giggling and making euphemistic comments about "putting the car in the garage" so I asked my Mum what it meant. She sat me down on the top step of the stairs and explained it all to me, but emphasising that I was not to tell my friends as their mothers may not like it.

I was always determined that my children would grow up knowing about it without having to have the big 'sit down and talk' thing. Before I had them, I was an artificial inseminator (Haha) and had often had children asking me what I was doing, which threw me a bit until I heard a 3 year old ask it's mother. Her reply was simple and understandable. "She's putting a seed from the bull into the cow to make a calf" I used something on those lines when the kids were very small and expanded on it as they seemed ready to know more. I bet they can't remember a time when it wasn't all discussed in our house as a normal part of everday life.

Love Lynne