The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94602   Message #1839073
Posted By: Paul Burke
20-Sep-06 - 08:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Abu Ghraib open under new management
Subject: RE: BS: Abu Ghraib open under new management
Well Old Guy, if there's a war and you'd like it to stop, do you negociate with someone who is fighting the war, or someone (say Iceland) who have nothing to do with it? You say "Who do you send to negotiate with them? Armed soldiers, that's who. That's their job." You tried that (remember?) and appear to be coming out on the losing side.The Israelis tried it too, similar result.

Why negociate with Hezbullah, Hamas, Al Qaeda? Because there's NO POINT in negociating with anyone else. Because we can't destroy them, and there's no point in merely harming them. And if we did destroy them, it would probably only make things worse.

Remember Al Fatah? I bet you wish you could turn back the clock now, and talk to them instead of Hamas.