The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94824   Message #1839079
Posted By: Paul Burke
20-Sep-06 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Of storks and cabbage leaves
Subject: RE: BS: Of storks and cabbage leaves
We were brought by the doctor in his black bag. In fact, when my little sister was born, the doctor DID come with a black bag, I seen it, and shortly afterwards I had a baby sister. That proves it. My mum had a funny mask with pipes on it next to her bed in the front room, but she wouldn't let me try it on.

In fact, I believe that the whole universe was brought by the doctor in his black bag. This is known as the Big Bag theory.

When my younger brother was born, my older brother was collecting for St. Joseph's Penny. This went to the missions, and to collect it you had a card with boxes that you pricked with a pen everytime you collected a penny. When you had thirty pennies, the card and money were handed in. In the middle of the card was a picture of a chubby black baby. My brother thought this was HIS baby, and was most disappointed when the new arrival was ordinary pink. I'm told that Dad was relieved though.