The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94824   Message #1839278
Posted By: GUEST,Mrr
20-Sep-06 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Of storks and cabbage leaves
Subject: RE: BS: Of storks and cabbage leaves
I was quite little, watching some sci-fi on tv in the US, and a woman with a child was arrested in the movie for being pregnant when she had a child- fertility laws or something. I was outraged, how can they arrest you for something that isn't your fault, after all, you just get pregnant if you get married... my (much) older sisters laughed themselves silly, then the next thing I remember, I knew where babies came from. Several years later I am back in the states being teased that "I bet you don't even know the facts of life" (which, had I known was about how babies are made, I could have answered much more satisfactorily) .. so I asked my Mom what they were, and she sat me down and told me that one morning I would wake up all bloody, and she showed me a Kotex. Somehow the vital info of where the blood would come from got missed... I have never been so confused in my life!